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Mick's Playing
The last year has been strange times indeed. I've played less games with friends than ever before and it's quite a bummer. 

However, I've been playing some old standbys with the family and got together with a couple close friends to play my favorite new game: Dune Imperium. It gives me the same game-feel as Twilight Imperium, or Game of Thrones, or Eclipse. It doesn't have the same amount of build up and grind towards a whimpering climax, but has multiple paths to victory and a strong theme. (I'm very much looking forward to the release of the movie as well!)

The last time I hosted friends for games was before the pandemic, and was Star Wars Legion. I can't wait to get back to playing that, especially with the two added factions since then. I'm currently (slowly) working on my Hoth Rebel army.

This weekend I will start on my new project: Kill Team Pariah Nexus. We lost our Arena boards to last years flood, so I'm psyched to paint up a new board and adventuring in the Necron Tombworld...

Mick's Playing

  • Toy Soldier Games

    Dune: Imperium


    Arrakis. Dune. Desert Planet. Raise your banner above the vast wasteland before you. As the Great Houses of the Landsraad marshal their forces and ...

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